Manual Chiropractic
Spinal Manipulation Care in Mississauga
Various health problems that originate from spinal joint dysfunction and your nervous system can benefit from chiropractic care. Past injuries, damage from everyday use as well as stress can result in loss of position or proper motion in your vertebrae. Dysfunction in the spinal joints can irritate the nervous system, causing nerve interference and pain throughout your entire body. Chiropractic care helps to correct spinal joint dysfunction, aiding your body to heal itself.
Have you heard of the activator technique?
We use a unique hand-held instrument called an Activator to focus on spinal joint dysfunction. This piece of scientific equipment was specifically designed to deliver a low-force adjustment with a controlled, light and quick thrust without causing the patient any excessive strain.
Since the muscles in your body are less likely to oppose the quick and precise adjustments provided by the Activator, you’ll benefit from a more accurate adjustment.
Using specialized procedures, the technique can detect conditions such as spinal joint dysfunction and problems related to body mechanics as well as leg length inequality analysis and neurological reflex testing. We can begin to restore your complete spinal balance through the use of these unique analytical tools.

Mississauga Location:
250 Dundas St W #401, Mississauga, ON L5B 1J2
9am - 4pm
2pm - 6pm
2pm - 6pm
1pm - 6pm
9am - 3pm